crashbandicootremasteredcollection| Yonghui learned from the fat east to transform its store and cannot learn from the Han Dynasty

After helping step by step, Pangdong came to do it again. On May 8, the issue that Pangdong came to help Yonghui supermarket caused a heated discussion. It is understood that Fang Donglai plans to start from the aspects of commodity quality and store design to help Yonghui supermarket transform. Not long ago, Hunan Bubugao, which Fangdong came to help adjust, released data showing that the customer flow and daily sales of the adjusted stores showed a multiple growth, and the initial results of the help were shown. The characteristics of different brands and regions are different, and whether it can continue the eye-catching effect after the "explosive reform" has not been decided yet. It is worth noting that at a time when stores are seeking transformation, learning and imitation can not only stay on the surface, quality service and exclusive explosives are the flow engine.

Yonghui started the adjustment.

Yonghui supermarket has also entered the stage of transformation. In response to the news that Pangdong launched a plan to help Yonghui supermarket, the staff of Yonghui supermarket Securities Department responded to a reporter from Beijing Business Daily that the company will learn from Pangdong, and Pangdonglai has its own advantages. With regard to the takeover and assistance of online biography, there is no further progress to be disclosed.

According to reports, the assistance program has been launched, the first batch of stores to carry out the transformation are Yonghui supermarket Zhengzhou Hanhai North Gold Store and Xinxiang Baolong Square Store, the former will be officially launched on June 1. It is understood that the focus of this adjustment is on the improvement of commodity quality, and the commodity structure of Pudonglai will be fully referenced in the merchandise of the store, with Yonghui's existing supply chain system as the main structure and Fundong as a structural supplement. At the same time, in terms of the structure of the stores, the two start-up stores will directly export the design standards of Fatonglai stores for the first time, and sort out and close the stores with obvious loss and high rent pressure.

In recent years, Yonghui supermarket has lost money one after another, so it is urgent to adjust the profit structure and improve the performance. According to the latest financial report released by Yonghui supermarket, Yonghui supermarket achieved revenue of 786 in 2023.Crashbandicootremasteredcollection4.2 billion yuan, down 12 percent from the same period last yearCrashbandicootremasteredcollection.71%CrashbandicootremasteredcollectionThe net loss is 1.329 billion yuan. In 2021 and 2022, the net loss of Yonghui supermarket was 3.943 billion yuan and 2.763 billion yuan respectively.

Obviously, Yonghui supermarket is also aware of the seriousness of the problem and opened a store tuning operation in 2023. In April 2023, Zhang Xuansong, chairman of Yonghui supermarket, said that Yonghui supermarket would optimize its stores in batches to make them more experiential and further increase consumer stickiness. It also said in its annual report that the company took the initiative to close its lossmaking stores in 2023. In April this year, Yonghui supermarket also said that the Beijing area will be one of the key areas for store optimization.

For Yonghui supermarket, which has more than a thousand chain stores and an operating area of more than 7.75 million square meters, it is not easy to turn around. The consumption characteristics of different cities and the differences in purchasing power of different levels of business areas mean that there is not a universal solution. Yonghui supermarket has to invest a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in this process. This may also be the reason why Yonghui supermarket seeks "foreign aid".

The transformation needs one shop and one strategy.

In early April this year, Fang Dong came to help Hunan Bubugao supermarket adjust. After the May Day holiday, data released by the modified Bubugao Meixi Lake store in Changsha show that during the holiday period, the average daily sales exceeded 2.1 million yuan, with an average daily passenger flow of 15963 people; the highest daily sales were 2.4022 million yuan, and the passenger flow was 17689. Relevant data show that before the adjustment, the average daily sales of the store was 150000 yuan, with an average daily passenger flow of about 2000 people.

Step by step high results can be described as eye-catching, fat Donglai also proved to the outside world trading ability. However, how long the heat of step by step can last remains to be verified, and how much of the change brought about by Fang Dong Lai for the adjustment of step by step is also an unanswered question to be copied to Yonghui supermarket. What to learn and how to learn requires the running-in of both teams and the deep thinking of Yonghui supermarket.

The reason why Fatonglai is regarded by consumers as the "ceiling" of the supermarket lies in the cooperation of hardware facilities and soft services in its stores. The store created by Fangdonglai supermarket is not a simple retail space. Pet storage areas, free wheelchairs and free baby cars take into account the needs of different groups of customers; magnifying glasses next to the shelves, wet handsets that facilitate consumers to rub open shopping bags, and employees'"for the sake of consumers" service attitude, all reflect the temperature of humanized service.

In contrast, in some stores in the retail industry, the display of goods is chaotic and the characteristics are vague, so it is difficult for consumers to find the goods they need, and they may not be able to get a detailed introduction by consulting the staff. "people haveCrashbandicootremasteredcollectionI have "stereotyped products, naturally can not arouse consumers' shopping desire, and the price compared with the e-commerce platform does not have a competitive advantage, but also face high venue rent, labor costs, water and electricity costs. For a long time, brand development will inevitably be hindered.

In the view of retail expert Hu Chuncai, Fang Dong Lai's adjustment of Yonghui supermarket should distinguish the types of stores. "on the whole, what Fengdonglai does is a boutique supermarket, which is aimed at middle and high-end consumers. Yonghui supermarket has different spending power in the area, and not all stores can apply the Pudonglai model." He said.

Exclusive explosives attract more passengers.

Fat Donglai frequently goes out of the circle, in addition to the popularity brought about by social topics such as employees' salaries and holidays, what is more important is a continuous stream of high-quality goods and exclusive explosives. In recent years, goods from Fang Dong have repeatedly triggered a buying spree, including tea, iron pots and gold jewelry. Even iPhone phones can make consumers wait in long queues, and even become a reason for non-local consumers to go to Xuchang.

Previously, the Bubugao Meixi Lake store in Changsha has introduced more than 20 baking products, such as online celebrity moon cakes from Pangdong, pumpkin toast, nut Leba bread, coconut balls, etc., as well as its own brand juice, craft beer and so on. These goods are sought after by local consumers. Public data show that after the basic replenishment of the goods in the stores, the product structure has reached 90% of that of Fatonglai.

It is worth noting that in the revival of the Bubugao supermarket, what attracts consumers is the goods from the fat east or the goods that are getting higher and higher need to be considered. After that, if the proportion of Fatty Donglai goods is reduced, how much can the heat of the changed stores be maintained?

Working with Pang Donglai can create popularity for brands in transition. Zhan Junhao, a strategic positioning expert and founder of Fujian Huace Brand Positioning Consulting, believes that Pangdonglai's Internet popularity is expected to drive Yonghui Supermarket to create momentum for the restructuring of stores. But at the same time, Yonghui Supermarket should focus on learning product structure and supply chain management, and further improve service quality.

crashbandicootremasteredcollection| Yonghui learned from the fat east to transform its store and cannot learn from the Han Dynasty

In the final analysis, it is still necessary to have large orders and make them irreplaceable. Looking at the baking track, brands such as Sam's Club Store and Hema Xiansheng have launched crazy in-roll. A box of seemingly simple potatoes not only requires good taste from consumers, but also has incomparable advantages in price. This is the innovation pressure that brands have to face and a test of supply chain capabilities.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Zhao commented on Hu Jingrong