fowlplaygold| Zhengye Technology (300410.SZ): Major customers we have cooperated with in recent years include well-known customers in the industries such as Jiangxi Longsheng Automobile, Guoneng Zhishen, Huayu Intelligent, and Hebei Sinocera

Gelonghui May 11 丨 Zhengye Technology (300410)(300410fowlplaygold.SZ) held a performance briefing meeting on May 10, 2024 to discuss "which major customers are cooperating with in the intelligent manufacturing overall solution business. Is it convenient to disclose?"fowlplaygold?”,The company replied that the company's overall intelligent manufacturing solution business mainly provides industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing overall solutions to customers in the fields of new energy, semiconductors, electronics manufacturing, auto parts, military product manufacturing, textiles and other industries, helping manufacturing intelligence Factory construction and digital transformation and upgrading. Major customers we have cooperated with in recent years include well-known customers in the industries such as Jiangxi Longsheng Automobile, Guoneng Zhishen, Huayu Intelligent, and Hebei Sinocera.

fowlplaygold| Zhengye Technology (300410.SZ): Major customers we have cooperated with in recent years include well-known customers in the industries such as Jiangxi Longsheng Automobile, Guoneng Zhishen, Huayu Intelligent, and Hebei Sinocera