crapsbetting| China Financial Futures Exchange includes ultra-long-term special treasury bonds into the scope of 30-year treasury bond futures deliverable bonds

China Financial Futures Exchange clarified on May 17crapsbetting, the 30-year special treasury bonds issued in this round meet the conditions for treasury bond futures deliverable bondscrapsbetting, will be included in the range of deliverable bonds for 30-year treasury bond futures and will be used for physical delivery of treasury bond futures.

The 2024 government work report pointed out that starting from this year, it is planned to issue ultra-long-term special treasury bonds for several consecutive years, specifically for the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas. The issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to support the "dual" construction is a major strategic decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with a view to the overall strategy of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. It is an important way to promote Chinese-style modernization, promote high-quality development, and seize the initiative in development. It is also an important measure to moderately strengthen fiscal policies and improve quality and efficiency.

Market institutions believe that the 30-year treasury bond futures market is operating smoothly, laying a good foundation for better serving the issuance and trading of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds. Since its listing last year, 30-year treasury bond futures have operated smoothly, traded rationally, closely linked futures and cash, had good market liquidity, and performed well, which can effectively meet the risk management needs of market institutions for ultra-long-term interest rates.

crapsbetting| China Financial Futures Exchange includes ultra-long-term special treasury bonds into the scope of 30-year treasury bond futures deliverable bonds

Shi Jingjing, the fixed income department of Orient Securities, said that by including ultra-long-term special treasury bonds into the scope of deliverable bonds, members of the treasury bond underwriting syndicate can use 30-year treasury bond futures to manage the interest rate fluctuation risk of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds, which will help increase the enthusiasm of underwriting syndicate members to subscribe for ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and promote the smooth issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds.

Zhang Huizi, the fixed income department of CITIC Securities, believes that investors can use 30-year treasury bonds futures to manage ultra-long-term interest rate fluctuations, which will help improve the liquidity of the secondary market for ultra-long-term special treasury bonds and create a good environment for the issuance and trading of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds in the future. positive significance.