free5carddrawvideopoker| Severe injury! Ruida Futures 'second-largest outlet for profit was "ordered" to close, resulting in chaotic management?

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SourceFree5carddrawvideopokerExperts in the securities industry

The outlets, which ranked second in the list of profit-making due to strong growth, were rejected by one vote after receiving a regulatory fine. The decisive action of Rida Futures has set an example for peer institutions.

Announcement revocation

On May 17, Ruida Futures held the 26th meeting of the fourth session of the Board of Directors. Three motions were unanimously passed: the motion on terminating Hainan Branch, the bill on continuing to use their own funds for financial management and securities investment, and the motion on controlling shareholders using their own funds to purchase the company's asset management products and related transactions.

According to the actual situation of the company's operation and development, after careful consideration by the Ruida Futures Board, the Board of Directors of Ruida Futures agreed to terminate Hainan Branch and authorized the management to decide on the specific plan for terminating the Futures Branch this time. Submit the filing materials for the termination of Hainan Branch in accordance with the relevant regulations and go through the relevant procedures.

This situation surprised the experts a little.

You know, Ruida Futures is an established institution established in 1993, while Hainan Branch is one of the youngest futures outlets. It took only a year and a half from the preparation for the establishment to the preparation for the cancellation.

On October 26, 2022, the 10th meeting of the fourth session of the board of directors of Ruida Futures examined and passed the "motion on applying for the establishment of Hainan branch". The announcement shows that according to the actual needs of the company's operation and development, it is proposed to set up a branch in Haikou City, and the board of directors authorizes the management of the company to decide on the specific plan, submit the application for the establishment of a new futures branch in accordance with the relevant regulations of the CSRC, and go through the relevant procedures. On November 28 of the same year, Ruida Futures Hainan Branch was established, and the person in charge was Lu Lili.

More than a year later, of the seven directors who voted unanimously at that time, except for the change of one independent director, the vast majority of the original class voted unanimously again. I think it's a pity.

Performance skyrocketing

As the only network in Hainan, Hainan Branch showed its strong strength as soon as it was established, ranking second in the main regions.

According to the 2023 annual report, the operating income of Ruida futures is 9. 5%.Free5carddrawvideopoker.2.6 billion yuan, down 56.01% from the same period last year; the net profit returned to the mother was 244 million yuan, down 16.95% from the same period in 2022 (after adjustment).

Hainan achieved an operating income of 19.5706 million yuan, second only to Fujian and Shanghai in all regions. The operating profit was 15.2667 million yuan, second only to Fujian, which has 10 outlets, and an increase of 34963.65% compared with 2022.

In 2024, the profit-making level of Ruida futures rebounded significantly. The operating income in the first quarter was 280 million yuan, down 27.07% from the same period last year, and the net profit was 72 million yuan, an increase of 32.5% over the same period last year. Is there also a contribution from Hainan Branch?

Compliance warning

At the same time as the performance soared, however, something went wrong with the compliance management of the new network.

The Hainan Securities Regulatory Bureau has found out that there are a number of problems in Ruida Futures Hainan Branch that violate the "measures for the Supervision and Administration of Futures companies" and "provisions on the Integrity of Securities and Futures operating institutions and their staff".

Specifically, first, customer information management is improper. Second, the Internet business control is not in place, the situation reflected by customers has not been verified and reported, and the Internet channel customer information management mechanism is missing. Third, the lack of marketing personnel management and assessment mechanism, personnel recruitment, staff file review and management, job division, marketing personnel customer attribution distribution and salary calculation confusion, incorruptible management. Fourth, the implementation of appropriateness management is not in place, the risk assessment link does not fully consider the customer information and carefully assess its risk tolerance, and does not pay attention to the customer to improve the risk level in the short term and the inconsistency of the key information in the questionnaire.

At the same time, the supervision found that Lu Lili, general manager of Hainan Branch, did not fully understand the business and personnel, had poor control, and was responsible for the above violations in accordance with the law.

Li Min, the deputy general manager who also has the leadership responsibility, also has the situation of issuing false resignation certificates for employees, artificially improving the performance of individual marketers and having large capital exchanges with them.

free5carddrawvideopoker| Severe injury! Ruida Futures 'second-largest outlet for profit was "ordered" to close, resulting in chaotic management?

He Xiaolong, the business director, is directly responsible for such problems as the lack of Internet business control, the lack of marketing personnel management and assessment mechanism, the customer attribution and distribution of marketing personnel and the confusion of salary calculation, and is not enough to cooperate with the supervision and on-site inspection. Failed to truthfully provide relevant information.

To this end, the Hainan Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a "four-company" ticket on April 17 this year: ordered the Hainan branch to correct and record it in the capital market integrity file database; the three responsible persons were all warned to record.

One vote veto

Of course, for this "mistakes" futures branch, the supervision is still in line with the principle of "learning from past mistakes and future mistakes", requiring a written rectification report to be submitted within 30 days from the date of receipt of this decision.

Unexpectedly, with a "one-vote veto" attitude, Ruida Futures made a decision on the last day of the deadline: abolish Hainan Branch.

According to the China Futures Association, Ruida Futures has 712 employees, of which he Xiaolong and Li Min are not among them. They may have left and cancelled after the incident. Among the four registered practitioners in Hainan Branch, Lu Lili's "title" is still the head of the branch, and may be transferred or even resigned. Her resume shows that she has been registered in Haikou Business Department of HNA Futures since July 2009 and just joined Ruida Futures in September 2023.

Compliance operation is the cornerstone of enterprise survival and development, especially for financial institutions, with the increasingly stringent regulatory environment and the intensification of market competition, even minor violations may bring losses to the company's business and reputation.

Out of awe of regulation, Ruida Futures adopted the thunderbolt method of "strong men breaking their wrists", closing profitable outlets, demonstrating the determination of compliance management and setting an example for peer institutions.