learnpoker| Comprehensive "penetration" of AI makes the cultural industry more "to watch"

Wu Xiao, a reporter from the Securities Times

learnpoker| Comprehensive "penetration" of AI makes the cultural industry more "to watch"

The 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo") concluded today. A prominent feature of this Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry ExpoLearnpokerIt is that the pavilions are filled with a strong "flavor of technology": some visitors can't walk in front of the talking and moving AI frames; some visitors wear VR glasses and experience distant places of interest; others experience the magic of a "famous painting" automatically by typing a few key words in front of a screen.

The integration of science and technology and culture, the intersection of modern and traditional. A reporter from the Securities Times found on this year's Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo that with the "infiltration" of many new technologies, such as generative models, many cultural industries have become more "interesting" and more "enjoyable." this also indicates that China's cultural industry and culture and tourism market are undergoing an evolution.

Double satisfaction in experience

"as soon as I entered the pavilion, I fully felt the unique culture of various parts of China and even the whole world, not to mention that many exhibitors also used advanced AI, VR, AR and other new technologies, which made the Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo event more exciting and more satisfying in the experience." A viewer on Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo told reporters.

Similar to the feelings of the audience, a reporter from the Securities Times noticed that on this year's Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo, various booths have made "great efforts" on science and technology. In particular, through the combination of multimedia such as AI and VR, it fully demonstrates the new business type, new applications and new models of China's cultural industry in digital transformation, media integration, meta-universe, culture and scientific and technological innovation.

For example, in the Gansu booth, the booth created the "searching Dunhuang-Digital Dunhuang Immersion Exhibition", which comprehensively applied 3D modeling technology and VR virtual reality scenes to restore Cave 285 of Mogao Grottoes at 1:1, allowing visitors to view murals at zero distance and explore cave details freely at 360 degrees. Behind this excellent experience, the reporter found that this is the technology from Tencent.

According to Tencent's field staff, "Dunhuang" relies on the rich research achievements of Dunhuang and the accumulation of "Digital Dunhuang" for many years, combined with Tencent Games's cutting-edge technological capabilities, and comprehensively applies cutting-edge game technologies such as 3D modeling technology, game engine physical rendering and global dynamic lighting, and VR virtual reality scene. 1:1 high-precision stereoscopic restoration of Cave 285. Achieve hundreds of millions of high-fidelity digital models and ultra-high resolution surface colors.

Make great efforts in science and technology

Under the theme of "creating fertile soil for cultural prosperity", Ningxia exhibition area is displayed in many forms, such as LED high-definition screen, VR, promotional films, product objects, publications, ambient music, pictures and text, project books, micro-movies, QR codes, Wechat official account matrix and so on. Online, through panoramic shooting technology to simulate the offline exhibition scene, the exhibition content of each section will be displayed synchronously on the cloud platform, strengthen the online trading function, and create a never-ending "digital Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo".

According to the person in charge of the Ningxia exhibition area, the Ningxia Pavilion has made great efforts in optimizing the exhibition design, enriching the exhibition methods and upgrading the scientific and technological content. Through simple modern design, dynamic and flexible exhibition area division and the integration of scientific and technological elements such as VR experience and interactive workshops, Ningxia Pavilion will fully display Ningxia's cultural prosperity and industrial innovation, bringing unprecedented sensory experience to the audience.

At the scene, not only local cultural travel, cultural enterprises also spare no effort to show their own scientific and technological content. The reporter saw an automatic tea brewing machine called Qingday, which can be operated by mobile phone, which combines Chinese traditional tea culture and modern science and technology to realize intelligent tea brewing. Liu Rongqiu, founder of the company, said that the intelligent tea artists directly controlled by mobile phones first have the superb skills of experienced tea people, and can deconstruct the steps of Chinese traditional tea art according to the different brewing methods of each kind of tea. according to temperature, pressure, tea-water ratio, brewing process and process to adapt to the best brewing formula of different kinds of tea, the tea art will be scientific and technological, ensuring that each brewing is the ultimate enjoyment of releasing the best taste.

Silk Road Vision is a joint byte beating public welfare, relying on the interactive technology of PICO to create the first VR interactive and somber experience to reproduce the four major discoveries of ancient documents-"Journey of Ancient Books". This series of VR shows are divided into four works, such as "Qin Heavenly Guardian Ferdinand Verbiest". Through identity, users no longer sit in front of the screen, but get a kind of traversing experience, standing in history as visitors. Popularize excellent Chinese traditional culture to the public with the help of virtual reality technology, and promote the digital development of "culture + science and technology".

AI is fully infiltrating

On this year's Yangtze River Delta International Cultural Industry Expo, a reporter from the Securities Times noticed that AI is infiltrating all aspects of the cultural industry.

The reporter saw at the booth of "China Exhibition-Kaipuyun Collection Big Model" that the traditional culture and advanced technology were combined to reproduce the creative charm of Master Qi Baishi with artificial intelligence: just click on a few key words such as "vegetation vitality", "flower and bird interest", "great rivers and mountains" and so on. The big model can immediately generate a Qi Baishi style painting, and can also quickly convert it into dynamic video-in the painting. Fish, shrimp, chicken and other images can exercise.

"this big model was completed with our partners, who have Qi Baishi's original paintings and data, and give them to the big model to learn Qi Baishi's style. under the underlying capabilities we had before, we built this platform in about two weeks. Our large model only provides button selection keyword operation for live display, but in fact we can provide an input box that you can type in and generate immediately. For example, you can even ask it to draw a picture of an astronaut in Qi Baishi style or a picture of a big-headed son and a small-headed father, which is a big contrast. " According to a staff member on the spot in Cape Cloud, these innovative content display forms not only break the limitations of time and space, so that the audience can appreciate the profound details of Chinese culture at any time, but also provide a new path and possibility for the international dissemination of Chinese culture.

It is understood that the large collection model exhibited by Cape Cloud not only demonstrates the company's strength in AIGC innovation, but also injects new vitality into the inheritance and promotion of Chinese traditional culture. In the future, Cape Cloud will continue to use artificial intelligence technology to empower multimodal content production, explore new paths for cultural development, rejuvenate Chinese traditional culture in the intelligent era, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to global cultural exchanges and innovation.

The reporter saw at the booth of a company called "Fun Pill" that the company used generative AI technology to create a 3D hand-made generation experience area. According to the company's staff, users can automatically generate a 3D avatar by uploading a photo, which can directly replace the head of the "little doll model", and then use a 3D printer to print a unique and exclusive doll. "You can even take a full-body video, fully generate your entire character model and print it."

At the Lai Painting Technology booth, the reporter saw Kobe Bryant, Einstein, Du Fu and other celebrities in the photo frame as if they were "alive", able to speak and move. Staff introduced: "The company's AI photo frame is based on the SkinSoul animated vertical model, which can 'resurrect' static portraits. A single photo can be used to generate moving high-definition video. It can even be connected to the large model for real-time conversations."

According to reports, since its establishment, Laihua has relied on its own 18 million animation data assets to independently develop the SkinSoul animation model, integrate 7 core technical capabilities, create a controllable AI video generation and visualization AI agent, and use AI to realize the next generation of interaction. way.

In the Guangdong Comprehensive Exhibition Area, a "Large Model Industry Application Hall" has been specially set up to select 8 large models to showcase Guangdong's new achievements in empowering new quality productivity with the latest technology and spawning trillion-level industrial clusters.