lightninglinkcasino| Dai Guoqiang, Professor of Finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics: To do a good job in science and technology finance, we must make good use of financial technology

◎ reporter Yan Ximeng

Dai Guoqiang, a professor of finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, said at the Council and Annual meeting of the Financial Science and Technology Branch of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Alumni Association held on April 27 that scientific and technological innovation is the main engine for the development of new productivity, and promoting the development of science and technology finance can be effectively promoted.LightninglinkcasinoChina's core competitiveness.

The Central Financial work Conference proposed to do a good job in five major articles on science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, with science and technology finance in the first place. To promote high-quality financial development, financial power is the goal, these five major articles are the path. " Dai Guoqiang said.

Dai Guoqiang said: to build a scientific and technological power, we should not only expand and strengthen the traditional finance dominated by indirect financing, but also develop and strengthen the capital market and cultivate first-class investment banks and investment institutions. To achieve the unity of security and efficiency of science and technology finance, the most important means is financial science and technology.

lightninglinkcasino| Dai Guoqiang, Professor of Finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics: To do a good job in science and technology finance, we must make good use of financial technology

Dai Guoqiang said that science and technology finance has five characteristics: specificity, dependence, risk, leadership and timeliness. Among them, the specificity, that is, science and technology finance is a financial activity that specifically provides financial support and related financial services for science and technology enterprises; guidance means that when science and technology enterprises get a certain return on investment, they may attract follow-up funds to follow up and raise more funds. in order to achieve business sustainability; timeliness, that is, scientific and technological innovation has the characteristics of rapid step by step, and the investment of science and technology finance has the requirement of time target.

In order to do a good job in science and technology finance, we must make good use of financial technology. Dai Guoqiang said that with the technical help represented by financial science and technology, science and technology finance can be significantly improved at the tool level, operation level, and decision-making level. For example, because of the immutability of blockchain technology, breach of contract and breach of trust can be reviewed; Internet of things technology can make full use of the information of technology and financial beneficiaries; big data can help suppliers of funds to accurately portray the demanders of funds; and 5G and 6G technology can help to achieve the timeliness of information transmission.

"Technology itself cannot improve efficiency alone. The development of science and technology is realized under the guidance of human beings. In the process of improving the efficiency of financial science and technology, the main body of financial science and technology, people, is still dominant, and the function of financial science and technology is mainly auxiliary. At the same time, we must realize that although financial technology is not omnipotent, in the era of digital economy, it is absolutely impossible to do a good job in science and technology finance without financial technology. " Dai Guoqiang said.