holdempokeronline| Sales of Yuefu, a ten-million-level building in Beijing, are in a cold situation. Can customers rely on "giving away area" to turn around?

Wei Wenyi, editor of every reporter Liu Songhui

Residential plots sold in the Beijing soil auction market last yearHoldempokeronlineSales offices have been opened or put into the market one after another.

The Yuefu project in Central is a popular development in Fengtai District on the Dahongmen plate on Beijing's South fourth Ring Road, which was acquired at a high premium in the fierce competition between China Resources Land and 21 real estate companies last year.

On April 16, a salesperson of the Yuefu project in Central told the Daily Economic News that at present, as long as the housing source is selected, you can enjoy a "one-mouth price discount", that is, the total price minus 100000 yuan. And the gift area of each room is large, "it is definitely the 'ceiling' of the housing rate of the inner city development."

However, the reporter inquired about the official website of the Beijing Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and found that the Yuefu project in China Resources Central (for the record name: Runying Jiayuan) launched a total of 326 houses on April 13, and only seven were booked as of April 23. However, on April 29, when the reporter inquired again, he found that the reservation quantity of the project had been reduced to 6 sets.

According to the head of marketing of a real estate enterprise in Beijing, the Yuefu project in Central was affected by the surrounding competitive properties, and the sales pressure was great. Although it had already obtained a pre-sale permit, it was delayed for more than half a month because of low customer volume.

Book only 6 suites in the first half of the month

The Fengtai Dahongmen site attracted 22 real estate enterprises to participate in the auction on December 26 last year, when the 2023 soil auction finale was staged in Beijing, making it the hottest lot in the same batch. In the end, China Resources Land went through 19 rounds of quotations at 34.HoldempokeronlineThe plot was seized by a lottery of .84.5 billion yuan, with a premium rate of 15%.

From the point of view of the location, the site is located between the third Ring Road and the fourth Ring Road in Beijing, near the Dahongmen South Station of the subway, and the Palace Museum in the north, less than 5 kilometers away from the Temple of Heaven Park. However, it is quite challenging from the point of view of the market around the site, and three real estate projects have been developed in turn near the subway station: Zhonghai and Rui Sanyuan, Yongding Jinmao House and China Resources Central Yuefu.

The reporter noted that the filing guidance prices for the above three projects are all 9.Holdempokeronline.50,000 yuan per square meter, the Zhonghai and Rui Sanyuan and Yongding Jinmaofu projects, which are closer to the subway station, have been sold for a year or two, with floor prices of 53800 yuan / square meter and 50700 yuan / square meter respectively. On the other hand, the floor price of the Yuefu project in China Resources Central reaches 68200 yuan per square meter, which is more than 10, 000 yuan per square meter higher than that of the China Sea and Rui Sanyuan and Yongding Jinmaofu project.

On April 16, the reporter visited some of the real estate projects on the Dahongmen plate on the South fourth Ring Road in Beijing as a property buyer. According to a salesperson responsible for receiving the Yuefu project site in China Resources Central, the unit price of the project is 87400 ~ 102500 yuan per square meter, with an average price of 95000 yuan per square meter, with a total price of more than 12 million yuan. Delivery will begin at the end of December 2025.

Perhaps it is because of the working day that there are not many people looking at the houses in the sales office. The sales staff in charge of the reception took out a "sales control form" of Building 6, and about 20 of the 66 houses were painted, meaning they had been locked by buyers. When the reporter planned to calculate the price of the 8-story house painted with color, he said that this is the old "sales control table". In fact, there must be housing on the eighth floor. After waiting for a period of time, it came up with a new "sales control list", which shows that some locked houses have been removed, and there are actually more blank houses to choose from.

The reporter also visited the sales offices of Zhonghai and Rui Sanyuan and Yongding Jinmaofu project respectively. The actual sales price of these two projects is about 88700 yuan / square meter and 93200 yuan / square meter, which is lower than that of Yuefu project in China Resources Central. Both buildings will be handed over by the end of December 2025.

A person in the industry, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told reporters that compared with the two adjacent projects, Yuefu in China Resources Central took land late, and the profit space of the project was compressed, but it also began to hand over the house at the end of December next year. "the development and construction cycle is short. It puts pressure on the quality of the house."

holdempokeronline| Sales of Yuefu, a ten-million-level building in Beijing, are in a cold situation. Can customers rely on "giving away area" to turn around?

Judging from the sales situation after Yuefu in China Resources Central opened on April 13, the reporter inquired about the official website of the Beijing Municipal Housing and Construction Commission and found that the project launched a total of 326 units in six buildings this time, and only six units were booked as of April 29. Among them, 2 sets are reserved for the building, 2 for the building and 2 for the building.

The reporter saw at the scene that Yuefu in China Resources Central is adjacent to the school in the north and a large household building materials market in the south. The quiet degree of living of the owners of the community may be affected.

China Resources Land Northern region told reporters that Yuefu in Central is a "Yuesi" work of the company's high-end product department. In the process of building, it is based on star products such as Beijing Ruifu and Beijing Yuefu, combined with the needs of local customers. Some product innovation has been carried out to better meet the functional and aesthetic experience of high-end customers.

"the specific delivery time of the project shall be subject to the contract. In the process of project construction, quality and quantity delivery can be achieved through lean node management and strict quality control. At the same time, the construction quality of some areas of the project will be presented in the form of a real-scene demonstration area, so that customers can see the actual effect of the project in advance. " China Resources Land Northern region said that the Yuefu project in Central entered the market in April and is currently in the normal sales stage. the specific contract data are based on the data of the Beijing Municipal Housing and Construction Commission.

The above-mentioned person in charge of the marketing of a real estate enterprise in Beijing told reporters that recently, the new market in Beijing is still in a downward trend in sales, and the sales claimed by some buildings are actually less than half completed, and price discounts have become a common phenomenon. "the pricing of new houses in the Dahongmen plate is too high, and there is a high probability that the follow-up developers will also reduce the price."

"send area" to increase the rate of housing acquisition

In the case of high land acquisition cost, on the one hand, China Resources Central Yuefu takes the "Beijing Central Axis" as the marketing selling point, emphasizing that the project is located on the central axis running through the old city of Beijing, with high quality of fine decoration; on the other hand, it highlights the particularity of the "gift area".

The above-mentioned Yuefu sales staff in Central said that the housing acquisition rate of the project is basically more than 86%, and the housing acquisition rate of small households can reach 91%. "the product quality and gift area of the project are the benchmark of new houses in the area, and they are definitely the 'ceiling' of the housing acquisition rate in the inner city. The gift area is large, and the room acquisition rate is much higher than that of the projects next to it. It can be said that the increased gift area is more than 10 square meters in the suit in disguise, and the actual unit price is about 90,000 yuan / square meter. "

On a 134-square-meter four-bedroom plan of the project, the two bedrooms and the living room balcony in the south have a door and a glass wall. The reporter walked into the model room but found that the door and wall had disappeared and had been changed into floor tiles paved to the outermost floor window, including the floating windows of the two bedrooms on the north side were also paved into flat floor tiles. The location of the donated area between the samples is affixed with a dividing line.

"the traditional balcony is generally a half-gift, which is an invalid gift, whileHoldempokeronlineAfter our project pushes the balcony off, package directly into the living room, the area of each square meter is integrated into the indoor space, really achieve 'effective gift'. And the floor-to-ceiling window falls to the ground in one step, and the position of the floating window is made flat, and the company will do all the work and then deliver it. " The above sales staff said that the area given by the north equipment platform will not affect the later use, "the company will find another location to do the equipment platform."

In the bedroom of the model room, there are two other groups of families watching the house with the reporter. A salesperson is pointing to the dividing line on the floor of the north bedroom to introduce to everyone the location of the donated area and how to change the equipment platform into a complete set of inner space.

In fact, "gift area" is a common marketing gimmick in the new housing market a few years ago, also known as "stealing area". Although the marketing method of "gift area" has been basically eliminated in Shanghai, Chengdu and other places, it is still quite common in the property market in Beijing.

According to the reporter's rough calculation, the housing supply of 134 square meters of Yuefu in Central was "stolen" in disguise about 20 square meters, accounting for 15% of the total area. The remaining 137 square meters, 145 square meters, 166 square meters, 176 square meters and 213 square meters of housing, there are also "stolen area" situation.

Wang Yuchen, director of Beijing Gold v. Law firm, said that developers' similar "gift area" is often aimed at attracting buyers and selling money back as soon as possible. For property buyers, some of the gift area may not be able to apply for a property certificate, nor can it be effectively protected by law, but this part of the cost is actually included in the house. For example, the gift of a large area of real estate is more expensive than no area of real estate, in fact, it has been counted in the house. "most of the behaviors of developers similar to the gift area are illegal operations, and if the final status of the room is inconsistent with the planning, it is a violation, which should be compared with the original planning."

A staff member of a business section of the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Urban Management in Fengtai District of Beijing also said that the "gift area" promised by the developer had been changed into an indoor part, such as an equipment platform, and that the planned area of this part was not included in the purchase contract. Strictly speaking, it is an illegal building. If reported at a later stage, there is a risk that the investigation will be dismantled and restored to its original state.