5sosarcade| Pay attention to small position operations for non-huge callbacks

[synthetic organisms] Azure organisms successfully advanced to the sixth board.5sosarcadeLu Kang Pharmaceutical rose against the trend, and the market was optimistic about the supporting actions and technological breakthroughs of the synthetic biological sector. [chemical] the prices of some chemical products continue to rise, and the prices of TMA and other products reach 3.5sosarcade60,000 yuan / ton, the international organic pigment giant Faber filed for bankruptcy, the domestic alternative product market ushered in an opportunity. [cell therapy] Regeneration treatment of diabetes has made a breakthrough, successfully cured a patient with a 25-year history of diabetes, the world's first successful transplantation of regenerated islets. [self-driving] support Tesla for the test of self-driving taxi. [lithium electricity] the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology plans to guide lithium battery enterprises to reduce manufacturing projects that simply expand production capacity. Tomorrow's deduction: 1. Radical investors can pay attention to the blue biology, Societe Generale, Baichuan and other plates, pay attention to the afternoon non-huge return opportunities, take small positions operation. two。 Active investors can pay attention to the blue biology, Societe Generale, Baichuan and other sectors, select at least two for investment, while pay attention to the South property, Guosheng and other stocks, observe the capital repair situation, take small position operation. Risk Tip: this article is a personal review and trading record, does not constitute any investment advice, based on which the transaction is at its own risk. Please like and set it as a star to get more article tweets.

5sosarcade| Pay attention to small position operations for non-huge callbacks

Stock name blue biology, Lu anti-medicine plate name lithium battery, biological products, chemical raw materials, self-driving keywords synthetic biology, chemical industry, cell therapy, bullish and bearish (bullish) synthetic biology-related support actions will be introduced one after another. it is also a steady breakthrough in technology. Continue to play Hexun self-selected stock writer risk tips: the above content is only the views of the author or guests, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.