blockchaingaming2022| Former minister lamented that Japan is still alive 30 years ago: Chinese people drive the most advanced electric vehicles and Japan is still obsessed with fuel vehicles

News on May 16thBlockchaingaming2022Masuzoe Yoichi, former governor of Tokyo, said in an interview that many Japanese were still living 30 years ago and had been left far behind by China.

blockchaingaming2022| Former minister lamented that Japan is still alive 30 years ago: Chinese people drive the most advanced electric vehicles and Japan is still obsessed with fuel vehicles

Talking about the popularity of smartphones and electric cars seen in China, he repeatedly lamented that Japan had been left far behind by China, while the clock of many Japanese "stopped 30 years ago" and was unwilling to accept the fact that "China has become rich." still look at China based on the old understanding.

Yutian highly praised the popularity of digitization in China, where anything can be done with a smartphone, which is impossible in Japan and impossible to move without cash.

He also said that the streets of China are full of electric cars, and the cars people drive and the systems they use, such as car navigation systems, are the most advanced in the world, far ahead of Japan.

Thirty years ago, when I was driving a luxury car, the Chinese were still riding bicycles. Today, 30 years later, the Chinese are driving the most advanced electric cars, while the Japanese are still driving outdated fuel cars.

"Japan used to be at the pinnacle of the automotive industry, but they are not willing to give up their successful experience, do not turn to electric cars, and the charging technology is lagging behind; in the mobile phone 3C industry, Japanese practitioners are obsessed with flip phones, lack the innovation motivation to turn to smartphones, and miss the great changes of the times. Apple and Google have dominated the market when they come back." Masutien said.

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Responsible Editor: snowflake