bingoroulette| U.S. iPad user portraits: 67% of old models will keep or transfer to others after upgrading

IT Home reported on May 24 that according to data from Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP), US iPad users are more inclined to keep or reuse old devices than iPhone users.

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Data for the 12-month period ending March 2024 shows that 67% of repeat iPad buyers will retainbingorouletteTheir old iPads may be passed on to family and friends.

This is related to iPhone usersbingorouletteIn sharp contrast, only 41% of the latter users would keep or transfer their old phones. About one-third of old iPads are passed on to family or friends, compared with about 10% for old iPhones.

This shows that even if the iPad is replaced, its popularity and usability remain high, reducing the urgency of upgrading to a newer model. This behavior is in sharp contrast to iPhone users, who prefer to trade in old ones.

Nearly half of iPhone upgrade users will trade in old ones, taking advantage of the secondary market and higher trade-in value. In contrast, less than 10% of iPad upgrade users choose to trade in the old one.

Twenty-three percent of iPad upgrade users said the reason for replacing old devices was lost, stolen or damaged, while only 6% of iPhones upgraded for such reasons. This suggests that frequent iPad replacements are based on need rather than a desire to upgrade.

"CIRP: 40% of Apple iPad users have a replacement cycle of 3 years or more"

bingoroulette| U.S. iPad user portraits: 67% of old models will keep or transfer to others after upgrading

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