freeonlinedrawpokervideogames| Construction of digital economy majors: National Data Bureau promotes standardization of discipline system construction

News summary

The National Data Bureau steps up efforts to cultivate data talentsfreeonlinedrawpokervideogamesTo promote the standardization of digital economy disciplines, with the support of the Ministry of Education, an undergraduate teaching steering committee for digital economy majors is studying and establishing, and colleges and universities are actively expanding their majors in data disciplines.

freeonlinedrawpokervideogames| Construction of digital economy majors: National Data Bureau promotes standardization of discipline system construction

Newsletter text

[The National Data Bureau strives to promote professional education in digital economy] At the 7th Digital China Construction Summit, Deputy Director Xia Bing revealed that the National Data Bureau is preparing to establish a teaching steering committee for undergraduate students majoring in digital economy to build a standardized, scientific and standardized digital economy discipline system. The move is expected to strengthen the digital economyfreeonlinedrawpokervideogamesWe also encourage higher education institutions to expand disciplines and knowledge systems related to data science.