
Beijing Business News (Reporter Tao Feng Wang Zhuli) On May 6, China Micro Company issued an announcement to adjust the total dividends for 2023. China Micro Company stated that it plans to distribute cash dividends for the 2023 annual profit distributionarcadegamesonlineThe total amount is approximately 1arcadegamesonline.86 billion yuan was adjusted to approximately 1arcadegamesonline.85 billion yuan. Regarding the reasons for the adjustment, China Micro Company stated that the company will complete it on April 2, 2024arcadegamesonlineWith the share registration work for the second vesting period of the 2022 restricted stock incentive plan, approximately 794,000 new shares were added, and the company's total share capital increased from approximately 619 million shares to approximately 620 million shares. In addition, from the disclosure date of the company's 2023 annual profit distribution plan to the disclosure date of this announcement, a total of approximately 1.72 million shares have been repurchased, some of which do not participate in dividends. The total number of shares actually participating in profit distribution of the company is approximately 618 million shares. In accordance with the principle of maintaining the distribution ratio per share unchanged, the company will adjust the total cash dividends for the annual profit distribution in 2023 accordingly.
