bingogamesrealmoney$25| The rhythm of the A-share market is controlled by strange phenomena

The market was acting strangely yesterday.Bingogamesrealmoney$25The cat focuses on two indicators, one is trading volume, the other is northbound funds. After continuous adjustment, northbound funds showed a strong state early in the morning and have been flowing in. But on the other side, the trading volume was not satisfactory, and the volume shrank sharply at the beginning of trading. Then the disk fermented the direction of the new theme lithium battery, which belongs to the positive direction after trading, but also the direction of overfall, personal feeling is the performance of reduced risk appetite. Originally, I thought I could make up the gap, but as a result, the gap below was not filled. The cat didn't want to run back and forth, so it didn't go in this direction. Originally thought that synthetic biology and stem cells were not easy to do, but it was a hot spot in the market, so it was better to do a diffusion, but the result was not very good, so the concept of synthetic biology was added after the plate. Today is Friday, Friday is the easiest to ferment news on the plate, so the direction of intraday strength, especially the new direction, needs to be paid attention to. Yesterday also looked at the financial real estate, but direct return did not buy, this piece is not very strong, but there are certain expectations on the securities side next week. It's not very thoughtful. If the amount of energy can't be increased, the cat should control the rhythm a little bit. There's a little water today. Steady.

bingogamesrealmoney| The rhythm of the A-share market is controlled by strange phenomena

Plate name Lithium battery, biological products keywords trading volume, northbound funds, after-hours bullish bullish (bullish) trading volume shrank significantly, but northward capital inflows strongly, after-hours good news promoted lithium battery plate performance, risk appetite declined cat control rhythm and news optional writers risk tips: the above is only the views of the author or guests, does not represent any position of Hexun Does not constitute any investment advice related to Hutchison. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.